



創用 CC 授權條款 Fork my slides on Github




Orientation Stanfield & Zwaan (2001)

source: Bergen (2012)

Shape Zwaan, Stanfield, & Yaxley (2002)

source: Bergen (2012)

Color Connell(2005, 2007)

source: Bergen (2012)




Diederik Stapel造假事件

Diederik Stapel

Daryl Bem超感知覺研究爭議

Daryl Bem

Source: https://youtu.be/42QuXLucH3Q

Source: https://youtu.be/42QuXLucH3Q


JPSP rejected failed replication(Ritchie, Wiseman, & French, 2012)

HARKing (Hypothesizing After the Results are Known; Kerr, 1998)

End of Science?

How p-hacking destroy science?

Return power posing
Return pizza papers

Six ways to p-hacking

  1. Stop collecting data once p <.05.
  2. Analyze many measures, but report only those with p <.05.
  3. Collect and analyze many conditions, but only report those with p < .05.
  4. Use covariates to get p < .05.
  5. Exclude participants to get p < .05.
  6. Transform the data to get p < .05.


QRP Checklist

Jelte Wicherts

Review process could harm research quality


Chris Chambers

(Chambers, 2018 London)

Return How to select my preregistration
Return RR: Take Home Message

Q & A Part 1





註冊報告(Registered Report):收集資料前,註冊的研究計畫有同儕評審

註冊再現研究(Registered Replication Report)

(Lindsay, Simons, & Lilienfeld, 2016)


“The researcher creates as detailed a description of his or her plans for a study as possible and saves those plans in a time-stamped, uneditable archive. This record can be shared with reviewers, editors, and other researchers.” (Lindsay, Simons, & Lilienfeld, 2016)

My understanding: Preregistration and registered report in social science follow the framework of Randomized Controlled Trial but have a space for the exploratory. Transparent research process is the researchers have to manage after the research plan was frozen.


Open-Ended Registration

OSF-Standard Pre-Data Collection Registration

AsPredicated registration

Prereg Challenge

  • Check the template.
  • Encourage researchers conduct exploratory study in preregisration form.
  • Submit your preregistered study to the eligible journal.
  • Publish your study before Dec. 31, 2018. COS reward you US$ 1000.

How to select/create my preregistration form?

Return Evidence Pyramid

Information before Study Suggestion
Theory without prediction, No data(Status quo) Nothing for preregistration
Theory without prediction, Pilot showed some things(Exploratory) Open-End
Theory with prediction, Pilot supported predictions(Confirmatory) OSF-standard
Theory with prediction, EXP confirmed predictions(Registered Report) AsPredicted, Prereg challenge

Pilot: Study without sample size justification; Secondary data set
EXP: Study with sample size justification


No matter which form you register your plan, make everything you register in the form public.


註冊報告(Registered Report)

AIMS Neuroscience submission pipeline

(Chambers, Feredoes, Muthukumaraswamy, & Etchells, 2014)

How to find and select RR journal

註冊再現研究(Registered Replication Report)

Daniel Simons on Pre-registration (from “Improving your statistical inferences”)

John Ioannidis

When publication bias joined:

Publish rate of negative results Presented positive rate
10% 0.84
20% 0.72
60% 0.47
80% 0.4
90% 0.37

Daniele Fanelli


  • Psychological science should emphasize findings that are robust, replicable, and generalizable.

  • Direct replications are necessary to estimate the true size of an effect.

  • Well-designed replication studies should be published regardless of the size of the effect or statistical significance of the result.

Facial Feedback Effect

Take Home Message

Return Evidence Pyramid

Q & A Part 2





Amy Cuddy @ TED talk

Good theory, Bad evidence

  • Failed replications (Ranehill, 2015)
  • Publication bias (Carney, Cuddy, & Yap, 2015; Simmons & Simonsohn, 2017)
  • Sloopy methods: p-hacking(Cherry picking) and HARKing (Bailey, LaFrance, & Dovidio, 2017; Cesario, Jonas, & Carney, 2017; Gronau et al., 2017; Jonas et al., 2017; Klaschinski, Schnabel, & Schröder-Abé, 2017; Latu, Duffy, Pardal, & Alger, 2017; Ronay, Tybur, van Huijstee, & Morssinkhof, 2016)
  • Till present, there is a reproducible but slight feeling of power.

Amy Cuddy @ TED talk



Wansink boasted how to publish paper by QRPs

(Original date: 2016/11/21)

Return How p-hacking destroy science

GRIM: A tool to check the spooky roundings of scaling data, less than 100 samples.

James Heathers Nick Brown Jordan Anaya Tim van der Zee
James Heathers Nick Brown Jordan Anaya Tim van der Zee

All 4 Wansink-boasted papers have QRPs:

Questions in Smater Lunchrooms

  • This paper had been retracted because they collected the data from kindergartens, not the elementary schools they claimed in their paper.
  • Later we will know how the questioned data were detected.


本演講進行時,Brian Wansink還是康乃爾大學專任教授


Why “Prestigious” researchers don’t open?


  • 改變發表/補助機制的草根力量
  • 資料品質鑑識工具
  • 開放研究資料累積平台

Commitment to Research Transparency and Open Science

Felix Schönbrodt

Peer Reviewers’ Openness Initiative

Richard D. Morey


statcheck team


James Heathers
Nick Brown
Jordan Anaya
Tim van der Zee

Curate Science

  1. Transparency
  2. Analytic reproducibility
  3. Analytic robustness
  4. Effect replicability

(LeBel, vanpaemel, McCarthy, Earp, & Elson, 2017)

Ego depletion (Chrome使用者要解除網頁安全性封鎖)

Mental simulation


  • Share your analytic codes in your preregistered plan.
  • Share your data and materials in the open repository.
  • Request the supports of journal editors, funders, and institutions.

Q & A Part 3





  • 臨時結盟
  • 投案平台
  • CERN model

Many Labs project

Klein et al (2014)

CRSP special issue(2017): power posing

Feeling of power: all partiipants Feeling of power: unfamiliar only

Quentin et al. (2017)

The Collaborative Replication and Education Project (CREP)

Jon Grahe Mark Brandt

Code of Conduct

“The Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) holds professional conferences and other events to enable its members to work to improve methods and practices in psychological science, build professional networks, and receive continuing education.”

SIPS meeting events

  • Workshop
  • Hachthon
  • Unconference
  • Lightning Talks
  • Meetup
  • Mentor/Mentee lunch

Psychological Science Accelerator

After you signed in PSA

PSA sites map

Workflow of PSA projects

Moshont et al. (in press)

How PSA manage your project

  • Project proposal has to be registered report.
  • If project PI is single, the committees will assign one collobrator help compose the well-written proposal to be submitted.
  • Lab PI decide if he/she will join this project at this time.
  • Each participating lab takes the research ethic approval respectively.

  • If I have more time, I’d like to share more about PSA and colloborative projects.

For your more information



開放七訣(Back et al., 2017 @ LMU)


Q & A Part 4
